This is a two part tip post. First, I've got a tip to give. The second part is me looking for some specific tips relating to dairy cattle. Yes, really, I'm talking about milk cows...
Did you know that denture cleanser tablets will clean some of your jewelry?
Not only will everything sparkle but your jewelry will also be left plague-free and minty fresh!
Another bonus is the price. I bought a box of 108 tablets at Target for about $2. That means that each cleaning is 2 cents!
I just plop one fizzy tablet in a cup of warm water, drop in my jewelry and wait a minute of two. Next, I rinse, dry and wear.

I can speak from experience when I say don't put silver in the denture cleaner.
I have used this method personally on:
yellow gold
cubic zirconium
Stop by
BlogMommas for more tips.
In our house, we refer to milk as liquid gold. It is so expensive and I seem to buy so much of it. Scott drinks a little but mostly uses it in his cereal. I don't drink it but do use a bit to cook. The boys are our main liquid gold consumers.
I hope this lasts us a week:

So I've decided to get them their own cow. As with any
pet large livestock, they'll be responsible for feeding,
walking milking, and bathing it. Our backyard is about 1,500 square feet and our Bessy will have to share it with our dog, Marley. The good news is that Marley is part Shepard so if Bessy gets loose into our alley and starts wandering the streets, Marley should be able to round her up and bring her home.
So, I'm wondering if any of you have any experience raising a cow in your backyard. I'd appreciate any tips you can give the boys or me.
I'm off to start looking at cows for sale online. What do you think...Amazon or Ebay?