Sunday, May 31, 2009

"Not me!" Monday

By now, you all know that I am a perfect wife and mother. All who meet me IRL or through my blog are generally amazed and dazzled by my perfection. I am always confident, talented, forgiving, creative, thoughtful, patient, in control, kind, nonjudgmental...just to name a few of my traits. To prove my exemplary mothering, wifing and homemaking skills here is a list of things I did not and would not ever do...

I did NOT have to ask another women in the grocery store if she was a mom. When she said "yes," I did NOT have to ask her if she knew where the chicken nuggets were. I mean really! What kind of mama doesn't know where the chicken nuggets are?

I did NOT feed my boys our red velvet wedding anniversary cupcakes for breakfast one morning. I did NOT think, "Well, their crazy sugar rush won't be my problem since I'm not working at school today!"

I did NOT eat one of those cupcakes for breakfast myself.

I did NOT start a bad bedtime habit for Logan by taking him for a walk in the stroller to fall asleep. I certainly did NOT do this while wearing my matter what my neighbors say.

I did NOT gag when I noticed that there was mold growing in my toothbrush. I did NOT not have a spare so I did NOT use one of my kids' toothbrushes.

I did NOT think "Ha! Now you know what it feels like!" when Jack was trying, unsuccessfully, to get Logan's attention by saying his name over and over again.

Visit MckMama for more "Not me!" Monday posts.


  1. Red velvet cupcakes...YUM! Cake=the perfect breakfast!
    I hope you found the chicken nuggets. :)

  2. Whats wrong with cake for breakfast as long as the kids are going somewhere else for the rest of the day? Now if you feed your kids cake for breakfast, and bring them to my house..well that's ok..cause we have that arrangement with the duct tape. Today's color will be red, right?

    You don't have a spare toothbrush? Whats wrong with you? Go buy a spare..and a spare for your spare. Toothbrushes are not meant for mold, or sharing.

    LOL@Logan wanting Jacks attention. I'm not laughing out loud when my kids to that to each other too :)

    Have a wonderful Monday :)

  3. I like your new blog design it's great! Thanks for all nice things you said about me in your comment section the other day. I will have time to answer you email now that my 24 24 24 cooking challenge is over.

  4. Oh my gosh...I love your new makeover!!! It totally matches your blog name!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL about the mold..eww!

  5. Love the new design :o)

    I would SO be the type to walk around the neighborhood in my PJs. I've gone out shopping in my PJs before, much to DH's horror!

    LOVE the NMM opening paragraph -- I might just have to, uhm, borrow, some of those words :o)

  6. MMMMMM...cake for favorite!
    I have NEVER been found outside in my pj's during the day...especially NOT the same pj's two days in a row...what's wrong with people!

    Did you also use the fun kid's toothpaste to go with the toothbrush? LOL!

    {Fun new blog makeover!}

  7. First of all, Lovin' the new blog design!!! Awesome!

    Second, girl eating cupcakes (or cake) for breakfast is EXACTLY like eating donuts. Case closed.

    Third, where in the world are you keeping your toothbrush???????????

  8. Hmmmmm..... Somethings different!

    Is it your hair? No? Well, then it must be the new designer diggs you got! Love it! I'll take a new button on my way out. :-)

  9. I like your new blog look!

    I'd have totally eaten one of those cupcakes too. Yum.

  10. Sugaring up the boys before they go to school...sounds like an excellent idea!

    I like the new layout!

  11. You crack me up...LOVE the cupcakes for breakfast!! (ahem, I mean that you didn't eat one or give your kids any for breakfast, LOL)

    BTW...this design is adorable. The Header is perfect with the signs....good choice! And the red down the middle...I like how each column is separated!! :)

  12. :) LOL. So refreshing! I need to do one of these posts.

  13. hehe.. THATS funny.. the "ha.. now u know what it feels like!" bit.. the ONLY time my kids ever eat cupcakes for breakfast is when they bust ME for doing so.. lol .. totally digging ur knew page..

  14. OH my grossness on the toothbrush. Yikes. How did mold get there. Cupcakes for breakfast. YUM

  15. ...remember to change toothbrush when I get home...


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