Tuesday's Tips for Summer Survival (TTSS) is a weekly carnival to help mamas survive the long summer days. The goal is to share kid-friendly tips so we can end up on the other side of this summer with what little sanity we had when we started.
So yesterday I came clean about the fact that I haven't been surviving summer. I got such supportive comments which meant the world to me. I cried reading each and every one.
I'm doing the only thing I can do...taking it one day at a time.
I haven't put together a post for today's Tuesday Tips for Summer Survival but I did want to at least post the link widget so others could share ideas.
I have so appreciated your participation and have actually done several of your survival tips...and if I ever get my good computer up and running again I plan a post (with pictures) of some of the great suggestions I've used with my kids as well as a mid-summer recap post of all the ideas.
Thanks again for your support and participation!
Grab the code for my button (over there on the left) and write your own post about a kid-friendly idea that might help a mama keep her sanity this summer. (Feel free to include the obligatory cute kid photo!)
Then come back here and add your link to the widget built by my wonderful and
Then, most importantly, visit the other blogs that have linked and leave comments, hopefully encouraging them to give us more good ideas next week.
I am barely keeping up with comments because we have been so busy...I will eventually do this one of these days. ugh. Hope today is a good day for you and the boys!
ReplyDeleteCan you believe Summer is actually almost over? Can't wait to see some pictures of your cute kiddos :) Hope today is a better one! If it makes you feel any better...I'm sitting here listening to some guitar playing by Alex & Emily trying not to lose my mind! It's nice to hear from everyone that us moms all experience the same things...and we'd never know if we weren't honest about it! Thanks again for sharing your feelings;)
ReplyDeleteOne day at a time sounds like a good plan. I am here for you, that's what Mom's do.
ReplyDeleteIt will get better. Keep your head up, my suggestion grab your favorite book and hit the bath tub. Even if you don't get that free moment until midnight. Trust me even when your exhausted take the bath. It works!!
ReplyDeleteAgain kudos to you for posting that. Although I'm sure you were hoping that actual "survival" wasn't going to be part of the summer, you ARE surviving.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you baby! There are just days that things don't come together! SO MANY DAYS!
Best wishes to you...
I'm also taking it day by day. It's actually the neighborhood kids who are driving me crazy at the moment.
ReplyDeleteHi there, lady... just wanted to touch base and see if you're still keeping your head above water!? Hadn't seen you on here in a little while, so I wanted to check in. NOT that I'm trying to pressure you into blogging more - really - you were just on my mind.
ReplyDeleteHope all is well... take care!
Hi- I'm a lurker. I noticed you've been MIA for a little while, and I'd like to send you some virtual support if you're still having a hard and frustrating time with the kids. I know what it's like to have it all be too much for awhile.
ReplyDeleteI wish you strength! And a continued sense of humor.
hey...where are you? hope youre okay!
ReplyDeleteThinking about you... I know it's been a rough summer for you, I wanted you to know that you're not alone. We're here for you, we care, and we'll help in any way we can!
Just stopping in, haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well. Miss you, Renee